1. Romwe Cherry Blossom Jumper | 2. Persun Mall Scalloped Skirt | 3. Deb Shops Leggings | 4. Outrage Fashion Envelope Clutch | 5. Deb Shops Glitter Booties | 6. Sunglass Warehouse Sunnies | 7. Posh Society Earrings | 8. Romwe Necklace | 9. Ettika Friendship Bracelets | 10. Thought Blossoms Double Wrap Bracelet (All c/o)
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Hello hello hello! I'm back with a new outfit ladies and gents. After taking a short break from doing outfit posts. The sun finally came out the day we shot this outfit. So although it still was in the low 50s, prostate the sun made it seem just a tiny bit warmer. Our hands were still freezing though. Honestly, I am so over the cold weather. I am counting the weeks till Spring. For the meantime, wearing floral pieces with pop of bright colors such as this jumper will help brighten up your mood. Bright colors are always fun to incorporate in winter outfits, whether it's a pair of jeans, a jacket or coat, or accessories. Please don't ever feel left out if you're wearing a pop of color during this time. There might be some haters but they will always hate so you might as well make their hate colorful, eh? Aren't you ladies thankful for tights? I mean, because of them, we are not stuck with just wearing jeans (although they are probably the warmest option for winter) in cold weather. Because of them, we have the stylish option of wearing skirt or shorts during winter. I layered up at the top by wearing a chambray shirt inside which helped my neck and chest part feel warm. Another way you can style is putting a scarf around but I really like the collared shirt under a jumper look. What do you think?
Love all of the pops of blue here, from the shirt under your sweater to your clutch and bracelet. And that studded skirt? Wowsers!