The craziest and busiest sales days of the year are over! For those of you who did some crazy shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and scored some great deals…good for you! I'm not really the one to join the frenzy on those days, illness although I must admit that while writing this, I have H&M's website open on another tab, because they have a 30% OFF. I probably missed out on a lot of deals but now that I have the Shopular app on my phone, I know I'm not completely missing out! You might have seen this app mentioned on a blog post a week or so ago. I am definitely a huge fan!
I think you really need to download this app (unfortunately, it's only for iPhone at this time but they are working on the Android version) in order to understand why I'm raving about it. See, Black Friday and Cyber Monday may be over but the holidays aren't yet, so chances are not everyone of you have finished their gift shopping…like, ahem, yours truly. With Shopular though, you can still find any sales and promotions going on in your favorite stores. You can find your favorite stores in the app, discover new ones and save them. If there are any promotions going on, you will get notified so you don't miss out. It's like coupon collection on steroids! I also chanced upon some giveaways. Last week, I saw a $100 Bath and Body Works giveaway, today I saw a Free One Month Starbucks giveaway.
Another cool feature is that the users can leave a comment about the particular coupon or deal which gives other users an idea of whether the particular coupon is working or not. You can also send to a friend any deals you find – after all, sharing is caring. It's like a coupon social network!
The app is FREE to download on iTunes. I highly recommend downloading it and making it your shopping companion this holiday season. I'm sure you will enjoy it and will greatly benefit from it. You can thank me later. *Wink*
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post and compensation was provided by Shopular. The opinions expressed herein are mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Shopular. Thank you for supporting sponsors. They make my blog possible.
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