The holidays are upon us, and we already know that this season is the season of giving. Often times though, we only give gifts to friends, colleagues, and loved ones. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! Giving is giving – no matter who it is directed to. However, the true joy and satisfaction in giving comes from doing it to someone who can do nothing in return for you or someone you’re not expecting anything in return from. Why? Because you know that you may have just become a miracle that person was waiting for – no matter how big or small your gift was.
And do you know that according to some scientific studies, generosity can make us happier? Generosity does improve our overall well-being and mental health and this theory is backed by science!
I’m sure you’ve given many times – whether it’s to someone you know and love or to some stranger perhaps that you felt led to give to. Have you noticed how it made you smile when you see their face lit up upon receiving your gift? Have you noticed how it made your heart warm when you see a smile on their face or when you hear “Thank You” from a grateful stranger?
I know I have.
A few days ago, I was inspired by Frost Bank’s generosity, so I went on a little giving mission. I know that some people can use extra cash these days. I went to Walmart hoping to bless someone with a #FrostitForward cards.
As I stood at the entrance, what seemed to be a 3-generation Hispanic family caught my eye. I approached and talked to them and explained how I would like to bless them with 2 $10 #FrostitForward cards that they can use at Walmart or wherever they would like, without a catch! It’s theirs to use however they want.
There seemed to be a look of confusion, skepticism, and joy at the same time in the eyes of the younger mom. But she gladly accepted it afterwards, and in the end, I was SOOOO HAPPY to make them happy that I ended up giving them with another $10 #FrostitForward cards. They gladly walked away with $30 that they probably never thought they would have for free.
And when science said that generosity makes us happier, it really truly does. Because I was soooo happy that day that I decided to spread more holiday cheer by going to Starbucks and going through the drive-thru and paying for the coffee of the people behind me. Let me tell you…I drove out of that Starbucks drive-thru like I had won a million bucks!
I didn’t need recognition. The people behind me didn’t have to know who I was. All they needed to know was that someone cared enough to pay for their cup of coffee. And that made me happy.
This season, I’m encouraging you guys to spread some holiday cheer by giving. It doesn’t have to be big gifts or big amounts. Go to a coffee shop and pay for someone’s coffee. If you have been blessed with a cash bonus this year, maybe you can pay for someone’s groceries. Perhaps send a long-lost relative a handwritten card or a meaningful gift. Buy some socks and blankets for homeless people in your town. Donate to a food pantry. Whatever kind of giving it is that you decide to do, know that kindness and generosity is never in vain. I do believe in the good ol’ saying “What goes around comes around.” So if you are generous, someone is bound to be generous towards you at some point too.
Speaking of which…go to learn more about the Frost It Forward mission. You can submit your idea for how you would like to #FrostItForward to someone this season and do some kindness in your community!
You will never regret it!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Frost Bank. The opinions expressed herein are mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Frost Bank. Thank you for supporting sponsors. They make my blog possible!
Love the outfit!